I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

I was very lucky to be invited as an event photographer to a small “social gathering” yesterday. Well, okay, it was more like a matchmaking event in a very indirect Asian way; the direct translation of the word describing this type of event, 聯誼 (lian yi), provided by Google is “Friendship”, which technically is correct although neglecting its underlying cultural meaning.  The event was sponsored by one of the Rotary International clubs in Taipei, and two of my good friends (M&W) who just got married in December 2012 were appointed to host this event.  When I had dinner with M&W last week, they were very excited to invite me to join as a participant – being the kind of person I am it would probably take another 20 years (or never) to convince me to go so instead M suggested that they could use my help as a photographer.  I was having second thoughts until they told me they planned a speed dating exercise! Ha, despite spending a good chunk of my life growing up and working in Canada, I had never seen a speed dating event in real life and I was always curious to see it.  I also signed my brother up as a guest, knowing him being a totally different person than I am I was sure that he would enjoy it.

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